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From The Archives

Inside Toyota’s Hybrid Synergy Drive

July 4, 2024

Toyota debuted its groundbreaking Toyota Hybrid System 27 years ago, ultimately evolving in 2004 as the automaker’s Hybrid Synergy Drive. Here’s how it works.

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The 20 Year Journey of Plug-In Hybrids

October 30, 2023

Plug-in hybrids generated interest two decades ago as we faced the same energy, climate, and political issues as today. Here’s perspective from our archives.

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Carroll Shelby Was an Environmentalist. Who Knew?

May 28, 2023

In 2003, legendary racer Carroll Shelby met with Green Car Journal publisher Ron Cogan for a candid conversation on cars, the environment, and the road ahead.

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Mitsubishi Eclipse Concept-E Hybrid

April 23, 2023

We’ve always liked the style of Mitsubishi’s sporty Eclipse, but it was the Eclipse Concept-E that set us back on our heels. Can you say…470 hp hybrid supercar?

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GM’s Next Generation Sequel FCEV

April 10, 2023

GM’s Sequel FCEV was ahead of its time, forwarding an array of advanced technologies along with zero-emission hydrogen and battery electric power.

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Nissan’s Future Electric Vehicle Program

January 25, 2023

In the early 1990s, long before its groundbreaking electric LEAF, Nissan showed it was a force to be reckoned with in the electric vehicle field.

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BMW H2R Fast-Forwards the Hydrogen Vehicle

January 11, 2023

Are hydrogen vehicles really possible? In a word, yes. The BMW H2R development vehicle fielded 18 years ago proved they could be fast, too.

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Early BMW Electric Vehicle Development: The BMW E2

November 28, 2022

We’ve spent tens of thousands of miles driving BMW electric vehicle models over the years. But where did BMW’s modern EV journey begin? Take a look.

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Tesla Roadster: The Seismic Shift

November 2, 2022

When the Tesla Roadster debuted in 2006, few grasped how dramatically this electric car and its maker would shake up the auto industry. Now it’s apparent.

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First Toyota RAV4 EV for Consumers

September 7, 2022

Will we see an all-electric RAV4 from Toyota? We expect so since a RAV4 EV has been offered before. Here’s a report on the original 20 years ago.

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Toyota’s Volta Electric Supercar

August 21, 2022

The electric supercar is now becoming part of the automotive landscape. Toyota was on it with the amazing Alessandro Volta concept 18 years ago.

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Look Back: Honda’s Civic Natural Gas

July 16, 2022

Clean-running natural gas vehicles played an important part in the alternative fuels arena before electric cars captured all the attention, especially at Honda.

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History Proves the Value of California’s ZEV Mandate

June 9, 2022

In 1994, we published this special report on the attempts to overturn California’s ZEV Mandate. Momentum in those early years led us to the EVs of today.

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Driving Honda’s Circa-1997 EV Plus Electric Hatchback

May 31, 2022

Modern electric vehicles emerged in the 1990s with automakers and independents all in the fray. One of the most high-profile efforts was Honda’s EV Plus.

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Electric Minivans Were on Chrysler’s Menu in the 1990s

April 30, 2022

Electric minivans have always seemed a logical application of zero-emission technology. Chrysler explored this in the 1990s with its EPIC minivan.

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Clean Hydrogen Powers this Prius

February 14, 2022

Energy Conversion Devices believed that hydrogen and solar could one day power the world. Its hydrogen Prius provided a high-profile example of its vision.

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Radical Technology: Volvo’s Turbine-Hybrid ECC

January 31, 2022

Volvo offered a strategically different take on electric vehicles with its series hybrid Environmental Concept Car that used a turbine-hybrid powerplant.

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This is VW’s First Electric Microbus

January 7, 2022

The idea of an electric microbus isn’t new with the VW’s I.D. Buzz. Volkswagen showed its intentions back in 2007 with its Space Up! Blue electric concept.

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